Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 26: Last Day of Classes!

Today we learned how to make bread. It wasn't all that fun, but it was pretty interesting learning about the process. We made two different kinds; a fast and slow bread. The main difference was that one had more yeast than the other. During the baking times, my group and I worked on our project for our final. It seems to be going well, except for the fact that there are some people in our group that seem to not want to put in any group effort. After we did this, we got the bread back out and began eating it. It tasted like bread, I wasn't expecting anything more. Wasn't blown out of the water. It was a baguette, end of story. However, I did suck up and take one back home to the host family. We ate it at dinner and they seemed shocked at the fact I would do such a nice thing (little did they know...?). Dinner was cold artichokes with fromage blanc mixed with balsamic vinegar, salt, and pepper. Pretty simple, but yet, a boring day. I studied my french the rest of the evening for my french final. I'm pretty confident. Hope it goes well.

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