Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 9: Th Welsh Bar

Woke up this morning, somewhat late because I forgot to reset my alarm to wake up. Fortunately enough, my tardiness was also accompanied by a nasty eye infection in my right eye. Pink eye, nonetheless. I scrambled downstairs, inhaled my breakfast, and jetted to school, making my classes on time. During my break I took a bike to a local pharmacy to get some medication. I walked into the pharmacy in a frenzy and quickly asked the pharmacist if she spoke English. She said, "a little." I then pointed to my bad eye and said, "I need help"! She replied, "I can tell". It made me laugh. She gave me two medications, totaling a whopping nine dollars; a steal. Went back to school, finished the day, and then headed to meet up with Dominic, my host dad, at a local bar called "Welsh Bar". I got there a little early and got lost in the menu. It had over 140 beers from various countries and 80 different types of whiskey. Overwhelming, to say the least. Dominic got there shortly thereafter and, as he walked in, I noticed he knew everyone! He was obviously a regular. We ordered some Belgium beer and drank on the patio. Not so long after, many locals began to flock to the bar for their Friday night fix. Many of which knew Dominic. They were all really nice and some even spoke English. The mood at the bar was really relaxing; a bar full of locals with live music, mainly a solo musician playing variations of songs with the violin. After this, we found our way to a new restaurant that made Moroccan food. There were only six options on the menu, so I ordered the most authentic of them, the couscous and chicken. It was a clay pot filled with couscous, chicken, zucchini, potatoes, and other vegetables. It was somewhat bland, but pretty delicious. We paired the meal with some Moroccan wine, which was very strong and not that enjoyable. After the wonderful meal, Dominic took me home and I packed for my trip tomorrow to the West Coast... Of France!

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