Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 12: Saint Malo

Today we made our way back to Angers, stopping in the walled city of Malo along the way. The city has a renaissance heritage and was built within the confinements of a city wall. During the second world war, it was interesting to hear that nearly 80% of the city was destroyed by bombings. Luckily, through modern ingenuity, europeans were able to rebuild this historic place with the remains of it's old structure. As we arrived at Saint Malo, I was completely overtaken by a the beautiful bay in which it sat on. We approached the giant entry gates embedded within the city walls and came immediately into a plaza bordered with various musicians, painters, and restaurants. We split into groups and each headed our separate ways. My group decided to walk around atop the city wall before heading into the city. Along the way, we found some gorgeous sites. The sand, water, yellow flowers, and green vegetation made Saint Malo such a beautiful place. The beaches looked promising, however, the clouds were in and out the entire day. We took our souvenir photos and headed down a small staircase into the city. We weaved in and out of various shops along the cobble stoned streets. Shops with various candies, ciders, and local goods like canned sardines and caramel. Scattered throughout the city were various restaurants, all with people eating lunch of what consistently looked like a rather large pot of mussels that smelled amazing! After grabbing some quick souvenirs, our group began to head back to the bus. As we did so, it began pouring down rain! I don't think one of us made it to the bus dry, so we had a pretty moist ride home. We may go back to Saint Malo for our free weekend. It's pretty, and if it's warm, it would make for a great beach destination!

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